I hate ants and the mosquitoes love me more than any creature on this planet. Try these for inexpensive, safe effective ways to repel insects and enjoy your vitamin D this summer. Remember if you do not have access to pure essential oils and need a quick remedy, try the PURE extracts in your spice section of the grocery store for the closest version. Tea tree oil can be found in most pharmacies, hair product stores and Wal-mart/Target/Kmart type stores near the vitamins section.
1. Add a few drops Basil essential oil to some olive oil or rub the crushed Basil leaves on your skin for a natural mosquito repellant
2. I hate ants. Cinnamon repels ants and smells good. Cinnamon was part of the holy anointing oil recipe God gave to Moses (Exodus 30:23). White vinegar disrupts the pheromone signal that ants and other insects leave to tell others where to bother you. I use it to clean the kitchen at the end of the day. Sprinkle cinnamon powder (no sugar) or cinnamon essential oil (bark or leaf) at the door post, in the cabinets or near cracks/vents to discourage ants from entering. Of course don’t attract them by leaving sweet stuff lying around. Dollar Tree and other similar stores sell big containers of cinnamon and bottles of vinegar for only $1.
3. Whole cloves repel moths. Avoid potentially toxic stinky moth balls and keep fresh smelling cloves in your closet or storage. Find them in the spice section of most grocery stores.
EXTRA: Got a toothache? Rub some clove powder on the offending tooth/gum for immediate pain relief.
4. Outdoor Ant colony killer. Add some sugar to Borax and sprinkle OUTDOORS near the ant colony. The sugar attracts the ants and they take the Borax (boric acid) back to the colony to kill them all. Be careful using this recipe in the garden however as boric acid negatively affects plant growth. Don’t use artificial sweeteners in this recipe as ants are smart enough to not consume fake sweeteners with no nutritional value and it won’t work.
5. Mix a few drops each of insect repelling oils of eucalyptus, tea tree, and peppermint to some olive oil for a natural mosquito skin repellant. See http://www.thetakebacktour.com/brochures.html tbt_brochure 2009 Natural Beauty Secrets of the Bible workshop.pdf for more details.
Simply Organic spice coupons can still be printed for use in these insect repellant recipes.
Don’t forget to share these great simple tips to save money and sanity this summer!