Target Mobile Coupons
Just text the word FRESH to 827438. All coupons expire 11/06/13
Once you confirm it opens to a link that downloads great coupons that the Target cashier can scan directly from your phone saving printer ink and paper.
$1 off Archer Farms or Market Pantry purchase
$1 off Bath Tissue 12 pk.+
$0.75/1 Dishwashing item
Fresh Fruit purchase $1/$1+
Fresh Meat purchase $1/$1+
Fresh Vegetable purchase
$1 off Frozen Food item, $1+
$1 off Laundry detergent item, excl trial size
$1 off Paper Towels 6 pk.+
$1 off Sandwich bread purchase
$1 off Trash bags item
$1 off Up & Up product, $3+
Enjoy and share-share-share GOOD NEWS!