I hope you enjoyed your Independence Day holiday weekend. I ran across a great freebie and some deals that will give you independence from junk convenience food.Don't forget to share your health food freedom with others so we can all enjoy real convenience food.
1. FREE sample of the Carl Griffith's 1847 Oregon Trail Sourdough Starter. Just send a SASE and follow the instructions listed in the link below. This is a freebie that also has options for non-US requests. http://carlsfriends.net/source.html
A great tutorial on how to maintain and use your sourdough starter written by Chris Malme. www.filklore.com/files/Sourdough.pdf
2. $2 off Rice Select brand rice printable coupon (Made in the USA) https://www.facebook.com/RiceSelect/
3. Now here is a great new product that is healthy REAL convenience food. Hanover Essentials Beans are frozen real food product with no sodium or any other ingredients other than cooked beans. This is great for quick meals, especially for those on a low sodium diet. I have purchased this at Wal-mart and select Food Lion stores. If you don’t see it in your favorite grocery store, use your consumer power and ask the manager to order it for you. See the link below for a printable coupon for $1 off 2.