Those off you that know me personally know that there is one vital thing to know about being in the same room with me. You cannot wear your body spray/perfume/cologne, etc. in the same room with me or I will have respiratory distress, watery/red eyes, and my skin will immediately break out in hives or a rash. I cannot tell you the many times I have had to leave a church or other event in order to breathe. [Moderation people, please!] The synthetic, toxic scents placed in nearly every product wreak havoc with my multiple chemical sensitivity. But, I have also found over the past few years that others are also experiencing a loss of nice scent in their lives as their bodies say "ENOUGH!!!"
Well I was shopping in Target's never disappointing natural cosmetic section one day and found a new line of products from Pacifica Perfume. These are all natural, vegan delicious smelling scents including body butters, solid perfume, roll on perfume, body wash and even coconut water face wipes. Renee and scented products usually don't go anywhere near the same zip code but I am IN LOVE with Pacifica’s Indian Coconut Nectar scent. Those of you with whom I have shared the body butter and solid perfume products are also in love as well. All of you looked at me strange when Renee “keep your perfume away so I can breathe Lea-Currie” asked you to smell this new perfume I love. I urge you to check out my referral link below to find out more about Pacifica products.
When you order online you get a free gift or free shipping of great $2 samples of their wonderful solid perfumes to try. Even though I am not fond of some of the more floral scents, I can still be in the same room and not have an asthma attack!
For those who want to experience it for yourself firsthand before you buy, here is where I found products in my area of central North Carolina.
- Target sells the coconut water wipes, roll-on perfume, travel sets, gift
sets, body butters, and lip products.
- Whole Foods sells the body wash, spray perfume and solid perfume.
Enjoy and share the good news!